"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6
Welcome! Over 35 years ago, Lakeside Presbyterian Church began a small preschool ministry with the sole purpose of teaching the Word of God to young children in a loving atmosphere. We may have grown a bit since then, but our mission remains unchanged. We believe that God created each child in such a way that the best way to learn is through play. This belief is backed by current research in the field of Early Education. Each day our precious friends learn about God’s Word while engaging in hands-on activities. We create and build, sing and dance, pray and praise. We swing and slide, write and sculpt, draw and cut. We solve problems and we work as a team. We grow and learn. We make friends while loving Jesus and one another. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Lakeside Preschool Family we would love to hear from you. Schedule a tour to learn more about our curriculum, class offerings, and availability.

Registration will open to the community Friday, February 7th at 9AM!
Registration will open to the community Friday, February 7th at 9AM!
Lakeside Preschool Class Offerings

All classes begin at 8:30 and end at 12:00.
We offer Lunch Bunch Monday through Thursday, which extends your child’s day until 1:30. Lunch Bunch is $8 per stay and children must bring their own lunch.
TotBall classes available for three and four year olds.