Children & Youth Upcoming Events
Parent's Night Out
Remember to sign up for Parents' Night Out! Drop-off does not begin until 6:00. Thank you for helping us give our nursery workers time to prepare for the night.
Lakeside Youth Group 2024-2025 School Year
Wednesday Night: Youth @ the Hangar from 6pm-8pm (BEGINNING 8/7)
Youth will meet Wednesday night at 6pm-8pm in the hangar after family night supper!
Wednesday nights typically include a lesson and some hangout time for our students and staff. Our lesson starts around 6:30pm.
This semester, we will be doing a series on the Bible’s response to modern culture, and dive into the book of Genesis!
Sunday Nights: Large Group @ the Hangar from 6pm-8pm (BEGINNING 8/11)
On Sundays, the youth will meet together to fellowship, worship, and grow in Christ together!
Dinner will be provided - followed by worship led by the youth band, teaching, and small groups based on age and gender.
This semester, we will be studying the prodigal son, and the “I Am” statements of Jesus in the gospel of John.
Lakeside Kidz Sunday Information
Sunday Morning Information
Parents, we wanted to take a second to make sure that everyone understands how Sunday mornings work for Children at Lakeside. We will have Sunday School rosters in each classroom starting this Sunday so that all staff and volunteers will have a clear understanding of which children belong in which rooms.
New Check-In Location:
From now on, we will offer two check in locations. Children in 1st-5th grades will now be able to check in on the first floor of the Education Building (also known as the Children's Building). Children from birth to kindergarten will continue to check in at the Check-In kiosk in the preschool hall. All ages must have a parent present to check-in. Thank you for helping us keep our kids safe and for helping us run our ministries as smoothly as possible.
New 2-Year-Old Nursery Room:
Starting this Sunday, September 22, we will have a nursery room for 2-year-olds. We will only offer this room during the Sunday School hour and the 11:00 service. Here is a breakdown of Nursery rooms and ages:
Nursery-Birth till 2-year-old Birthday-Room 1
2's Classroom-2 till 3-year-old Birthday-Room2
3's Classroom-3-till promoted to K4 -Room 6
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!
K4 and K5:
This Sunday School class meets in room 109. These ages are also invited to join the Children's Ministry staff and volunteers for children's church during both worship services. Please make sure to pick your children up from Sunday School and take them over to the worship service with you.
1st-5th Grades:
Elementary-age children meet for Sunday School on the bottom floor of the Education Building. We will meet together as a big group to begin our time, but then we will split into age-specific groups. We do not offer childcare for this age child during our worship services. We will miss having your 1st graders in Children's Church with us, but we know they are ready to begin to participate in worship.
Youth Sunday Meals
Hello Parents!
As many of you know, every semester we our parents to help us provide meals for Sunday nights - and in true Lakeside fashion, our parents always shower us with amazing meals and donations! We are so incredibly thankful to have such amazing families support our youth ministry. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!
Just as we have last school semester, we are asking for cooked meals or a donation of around $125 for our Sunday Night youth meals. Donations could be made to Lakeside's venmo (@lakesidepres - with the note "youth meal") or cash can be given to the youth staff. Meals can be whatever you'd like! In the past we've had parents make spaghetti, tacos, pulled pork, and etc. We normally expect around 40 students every Sunday night. We have the avalable dates for sign up on this form.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Sam at or at 601-941-1421.
Artificial Trees Needed
If you are planning on throwing out your old artificial tree, please consider donating it to Lakeside’s Children’s Ministry to use for this years VBS. All colors and sizes of trees are appreciated!
Kidz Important Spring Dates
January 12- Foundations starts back!
January 15- FNS starts back!
January 17- PNO
January 19- No Foundations!
February 9-No Foundations
February 16- No Foundations
February 21- PNO
March 9-No Foundations
March 16- April 6-Communicants Class during Sunday School
March 21- PNO
April 13- Kids Sing in Church for Palm Sunday
April 20- Easter Sunday- No Foundations
April 25- PNO
April 27- Spring Fling- No Foundations
May 4- Last Foundations!
May 7- Last FNS!
May 16- PNO
June 8-12 VBS
Wednesday Night Volunteers
Thank you so much to all of you that helped on Wednesday nights last fall! If you have a child that attends on Wednesday nights, please consider signing up to volunteer once or twice! We have lots of children and need some extra hands to help with crowd control!